Exchange your Exchange: grommunio - an open source drop-in and so much more
groupware, video conferences, chat, file sync, mobile device management, archive, web office: Grommunio is much more than just an open source replacement for MS Exchange. In this talk, we will show why we did what we did and how. It's about reading more than 8000 pages of specs, starts with a Chinese programmer and is standing on the shoulder of giants: With grommunio, no changes are necessary to your clients. Be it Outlook, Android or iPhones: No plugins, add-ons, registry-entries or clients need to be installed, it will just work out of the box, and there's several clients for the Linux desktop, too. Oh, and per default, our servers run on opensuse.
groupware, video conferences, chat, file sync, mobile device management, archive, web office: Grommunio is much more than just an open source replacement for MS Exchange. In this talk, we will show why we did what we did and how. It's about reading more than 8000 pages of specs, starts with a Chinese programmer and is standing on the shoulder of giants: With grommunio, no changes are necessary to your clients. Be it Outlook, Android or iPhones: No plugins, add-ons, registry-entries or clients need to be installed, it will just work out of the box, and there's several clients for the Linux desktop, too. Oh, and per default, our servers run on opensuse.