ZeMarmot — Open Animation film produced with FOSS
"ZeMarmot" is a project of 2D animation movie, to be released under CC By-SA/Free Art licenses and fully made with creative Free Software. In particular, it is currently fully digitally drawn on GIMP, video-edited in Blender and sound-edited with Ardour.
Our desktop of choice is GNOME, under a GNU/Linux operating system.
We will present the film project and its status, what happened in the last year since we started the project, but also how we contribute back, since Jehan, scenarist of ZeMarmot, has also been an active contributor of GIMP and other Free Software for several years.
Finally we would like to raise the question: is GNOME ready for the creative artists? We may not have the full answer, but a part of it!
ZeMarmot's director, Aryeom Han, is a young South Korean director of animation film, whose first co-directed short animation got screened in several festivals and won 2 prices, and later worked on corporate videos and several projects. Together with Jehan, they also won a "Firefox Flicks" price in 2012, in "New Technology" category, for an animation augmented through HTML5.
About ZeMarmot: http://film.zemarmot.net/
Blog: http://girinstud.io/