openSUSE ALP prototype on AWS, experimental, but fun!
Experiences, challenges and how SUSE NeuVector came into the picture.
How does the latest prototype of the Adaptable Linux Platform behave on AWS? What is required to build a EC2 compatible image via OBS? How does the workflow look like to go from OBS to an available and deployable AMI? What is the state of integration with AWS compared to openSUSE Leap? And what has SUSE NeuVector todo with all that? Let me take you on my journey and share my experiences, thoughts and results with you.
How does the latest prototype of the Adaptable Linux Platform behave on AWS? What is required to build a EC2 compatible image via OBS? How does the workflow look like to go from OBS to an available and deployable AMI? What is the state of integration with AWS compared to openSUSE Leap? And what has SUSE NeuVector todo with all that? Let me take you on my journey and share my experiences, thoughts and results with you.