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Playlist "openSUSE Conference 2023"

My MicroOS Journey: A Retrospective

Attila Pinter

Another openSUSE conference, another MicroOS talk ;)
I'm excited to share my MicroOS journey over the past three years. In this talk, I'll cover my reasons for switching my servers from Leap to MicroOS, how I overcame my initial apprehensions, the problems MicroOS solved for me, and how I adapted to the project sunsetting Kubic.

Another openSUSE conference, another MicroOS talk ;)
I'm excited to share my MicroOS journey over the past three years. In this talk, I'll cover my reasons for switching my servers from Leap to MicroOS, how I overcame my initial apprehensions, the problems MicroOS solved for me, and how I adapted to the project sunsetting Kubic.