Lightning Talks Day 3
Lightning Talks are short lectures (almost) any congress participant may give! Bring your infectious enthusiasm to an audience with a short attention span! Discuss a program, system or technique! Pitch your projects and ideas or try to rally a crew of people to your party or assembly! Whatever you bring, make it quick!
11:00 Opening Lightningtalks
11:05 "Digital integrity of the human person, A new fundamental right",Alexis Roussel
11:10. RDP to RCE in 5 minutes,Dor Dali
11:15 Static Security Analysis Tools for Java,Markus Toran
11:20 From Apple litigation to Legal Eduation: how the FSFE can help you,Ana Galan
11:25 Does the Doomguy live in a simulation? Gaming and Quantum Mechanics,gabriele
11:30 C02 negative energy production,coalburner3000
11:35 Detecting Fake Base Stations with CellGuard on iOS,jiska
11:40 How to build a giant inflatable crab,rahix
11:45 Illegal Instruction into Machine Learning,Dennis Eisermann
11:50 iOS Inactivity Reboot,jiska
12:55 LLMs hallucinate graphs too!,Erwan
12:00 LibreOffice WASM & JS - Blending a C++ FOSS into a web app,kolAflash
12:05 Youth Hacking 4 Freedom,Sofía Aritz Albors Escobés
12:10 Shovel: leveraging Suricata for Attack-Defense CTF,quiet_table
12:15 A tiny self-contained piece of (home)automation infrastructure,luz
12:20 The helyOS Open Source Control Tower Framework - How to tell our robots what to do?,Felix
12:25 RDMA for No-Compromises Remote Desktop Experiences,Tim Dettmar
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