The year of the Linux desktop
Since long every year is announced to be the "year of the Linux desktop", and every year there is no real breakthrough.
In this talk I will look at some reasons why there is no breakthrough yet.
**About me:** Software developer, 25+ years Linux. I was the person responsible for Linux on the Desktop at the last European PC manufacturer (Fujtsu) for 17 years and can tell from my own experience why Linux on the desktop is an ongoing struggle.
Since long every year is announced to be the "year of the Linux desktop", and every year there is no real breakthrough.
In this talk I will look at some reasons why there is no breakthrough yet.
**About me:** Software developer, 25+ years Linux. I was the person responsible for Linux on the Desktop at the last European PC manufacturer (Fujtsu) for 17 years and can tell from my own experience why Linux on the desktop is an ongoing struggle.