Playlist "Distributed DHCP"
Distributed DHCP
In mesh networks clients stay in separated ethernets. We developed and implemented a distributed dhcp algorithm so our mesh nodes now can serve dhcp directly while maintaining a consensus about leases of the same subnet.
In mesh networks, you can either run central dhcp servers or run them on the mesh nodes and have some administrative control about the served subnets, but those then scattered dhcp servers have no consensus
about the whole lease state and thus are not able to renew leases of roamed clients.
Our algorithm, implemented in the ddhcpd addresses these problems:
It coordinates the served leases automatically, so you need no administrative control entity. And
it allows roamed clients to renew and keep their IP addresses, through a forwarding mechanism.
The talk will be about the theoretical concept, the state of our implementation in ddhcpd and practical experience.
DDHCPD: https://github.com/sargon/ddhcpd
Gluon Packet: https://github.com/sargon/gluon-sargon/tree/v2018.x/ddhcpd