
Serveless Framework for Docker/OCI and Kubernetes

Panos Georgiadis

Playlists: 'osc18' videos starting here / audio / related events

A quick introduction to the concept of a Serverless and Function-as-a-Service followed by a live demo session based on the SUSE Container-as-a-Service-Plarform (CaaSP v2.0). The presenter will cover the following topics:

- What is Serverless and OpenFaaS
- Use Helm to setup OpenFaaS in SUSE CaaSP and/or test it using DockerSwarm
- Create your own openFaaS openSUSE Docker image in DockerHub
- Try out a couple of examples presented earlier at DockerCon17 (Copenhagen)
- Horizontal auto-scaling on demand and monitoring with Prometheus
- How to create your own functions

Note: For all of you who are not yet exposed to the power of containers, we will not be liable for any crazy ideas that you will be interested in applying to production after this awesome experience.

A quick introduction to the concept of a Serverless and Function-as-a-Service followed by a live demo session based on the SUSE Container-as-a-Service-Plarform (CaaSP v2.0). The presenter will cover the following topics:

- What is Serverless and OpenFaaS
- Use Helm to setup OpenFaaS in SUSE CaaSP and/or test it using DockerSwarm
- Create your own openFaaS openSUSE Docker image in DockerHub
- Try out a couple of examples presented earlier at DockerCon17 (Copenhagen)
- Horizontal auto-scaling on demand and monitoring with Prometheus
- How to create your own functions

Note: For all of you who are not yet exposed to the power of containers, we will not be liable for any crazy ideas that you will be interested in applying to production after this awesome experience.




