Search for "nuit"

Quantify my body
34 min

Quantify my body

You want some measurements with that?

47 min


Maenner, die auf Pixel starren

Men who stare at bits
44 min

Men who stare at bits

Die abenteuerliche Analyse des Datenformats eines real…

I like trains
39 min

I like trains

Exploiting undocumented German railway APIs

Men who stare at bits
49 min

Men who stare at bits

RFID-Studierendenkarten mit Fehlern

60 min


Calling secret service agents to quit their jobs

Building a Photobooth
52 min

Building a Photobooth

An exemplary multi-disciplinary project

AMD x86 SMU firmware analysis
54 min

AMD x86 SMU firmware analysis

Do you care about Matroshka processors?

Building a Photobooth
42 min

Building a Photobooth

An exemplary multi-disciplinary project

Der Weisheit letzter Schluss?
58 min

Der Weisheit letzter Schluss?

Maven 2 in der Java Entwicklung

Assertions considered Harmful
52 min

Assertions considered Harmful

recheck your test automation