Search for "boter"

Italy's surveillance toolbox
27 min

Italy's surveillance toolbox

Research on Monitoring Italian Government Surveillance…

24 min


Über 30 Jahre Atari Bit Byter User Club

kubernetes for toasters?
30 min

kubernetes for toasters?

potential solutions to achieving containerization on…

Theatrale Grenzen
11 min

Theatrale Grenzen

Wo fängt Theater an, wo hört es auf? Ein Grenzgang

Freedom from the web's monopolies
32 min

Freedom from the web's monopolies

A better architecture for the web, beneficial to both…

Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner
47 min

Programmieren lernen ohne Rechner

Der "Little Man Computer" von 1965 und andere Papiercomputer

Bessere Microservices mit Domain Driven Design
35 min

Bessere Microservices mit Domain Driven Design

Mit DDD von µServices zu self contained systems

The rise and fall of Internet voting in Norway
60 min

The rise and fall of Internet voting in Norway

Evaluating a complex cryptographic implementation

Virtual Secure Boot
51 min

Virtual Secure Boot

Secure Boot support in qemu, kvm and ovmf.