Search for "Robert Foss"

What Price the Upload Filter?
54 min

What Price the Upload Filter?

The history and costs of government exceptional access

Transhuman Expression
62 min

Transhuman Expression

Interdisciplinary research in Painting and Robotics. with…

Watching the changing Earth
33 min

Watching the changing Earth

warning: gravity ahead

Human Rights at a Global Crossroads
63 min

Human Rights at a Global Crossroads

Whistleblowers and the Cases of The Snowden Refugees and…

The KGB Hack: 30 Years Later
47 min

The KGB Hack: 30 Years Later

Looking back at the perhaps most dramatic instance of…

The Mars Rover On-board Computer
43 min

The Mars Rover On-board Computer

How Curiosity's Onboard Computer works, and what you can…

A New Dark Age
57 min

A New Dark Age

Turbulence, Big Data, AI, Fake News, and Peak Knowledge

Nougatbytes 11₂
107 min

Nougatbytes 11₂

Die geekige Wort- & Bilderrätselspielshau ist zuЯück

Policing the Romantic Crowd
38 min

Policing the Romantic Crowd

Velocipedes and Face Recognition

Projekt Hannah
61 min

Projekt Hannah

Ein open-source Hardware- und Software-Design für…

CIA vs. Wikileaks
58 min

CIA vs. Wikileaks

Intimiditation surveillance and other tactics observed and…

Computational Meta-Psychology
61 min

Computational Meta-Psychology

An Artificial Intelligence exploration into the creation of…

Theater und Quantenzeitalter
57 min

Theater und Quantenzeitalter

„Die Parallelwelt“- Das Schauspiel Dortmund und die…

Space Hacker
62 min

Space Hacker

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