32C3: gated communities


Full playlist: Video / Audio
Computational Meta-Psychology
61 min

Computational Meta-Psychology

An Artificial Intelligence exploration into the creation of…

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation
32 min

Craft, leisure, and end-user innovation

How hacking is conceived in social science research

Household, Totalitarianism and Cyberspace
56 min

Household, Totalitarianism and Cyberspace

Philosophical Perspectives on Privacy Drawing on the…

“I feel like a criminal and I have to be god at the same time”
57 min

“I feel like a criminal and I have to be god at the same time”

Perceptions of hackers and hacktivists on their…

Ling - High level system programming
34 min

Ling - High level system programming

modular and precise resource management

Media Coverage and the Public in the Surveillance Society
60 min

Media Coverage and the Public in the Surveillance Society

Findings from a Research Project on Digital Surveillance…

Quantenphysik und  Kosmologie
61 min

Quantenphysik und Kosmologie

Eine Einführung für blutige Anfänger

Quantum Cryptography
60 min

Quantum Cryptography

from key distribution to position-based cryptography

REXUS/BEXUS - Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students
48 min

REXUS/BEXUS - Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students

How to bring student experiments into space.

Say hi to your new boss: How algorithms might soon control our lives.
59 min

Say hi to your new boss: How algorithms might soon control our lives.

Discrimination and ethics in the data-driven society

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption
58 min

The Magic World of Searchable Symmetric Encryption

A brief introduction to search over encrypted data

Verified Firewall Ruleset Verification
32 min

Verified Firewall Ruleset Verification

Math, Functional Programming, Theorem Proving, and an…

Wie man einen Blackout verursacht
62 min

Wie man einen Blackout verursacht

und warum das gar nicht so einfach ist.