31C3: a new dawn

Ethics, Society & Politics

Full playlist: Video / Audio
Paypals War on Terror
58 min

Paypals War on Terror

A Historical Re-Enactment of the PayPal14

State of the Onion
72 min

State of the Onion


Let's Encrypt
62 min

Let's Encrypt

A Free Robotic Certificate Authority

The rise and fall of Internet voting in Norway
60 min

The rise and fall of Internet voting in Norway

Evaluating a complex cryptographic implementation

Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough
29 min

Infocalypse now: P0wning stuff is not enough

Several failure modes of the hacker scene

Snowden Effect vs. Privacy Paradox
34 min

Snowden Effect vs. Privacy Paradox

Einstellungen und Internetnutzungsverhalten im Kontext des…

31 min


You never read alone

Computer Science in the DPRK
33 min

Computer Science in the DPRK

A view into technology on the other side of the world

IFG – Mit freundlichen Grüßen
33 min

IFG – Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Neue Energie für die Informationsfreiheit

What Ever Happened to Nuclear Weapons?
61 min

What Ever Happened to Nuclear Weapons?

Politics and Physics of a Problem That's Not Going Away

Correcting copywrongs
61 min

Correcting copywrongs

European copyright reform is finally on the horizon

NSA Points of Presence in AT
59 min

NSA Points of Presence in AT

Vortrag mit aktuellen Fotos aus luftigen Perspektiven

Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast
63 min

Traue keinem Scan, den du nicht selbst gefälscht hast

"Bei Kopierern kommt das raus, was man reinsteckt." – Wer…

net neutrality: days of future past?
60 min

net neutrality: days of future past?

Taking stock after two years of net neutrality in the…

Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg
55 min

Inside Field Station Berlin Teufelsberg

The story of the NSA listening post – told by an ex-SIGINT…

Reconstructing narratives
63 min

Reconstructing narratives

transparency in the service of justice

The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google"
61 min

The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google"

Cybernetics, Anti-Terrorism, and the ongoing case against…

Privacy and Consumer Markets
30 min

Privacy and Consumer Markets

Reversing the Surveillance Business Model

Global Civil Society Under Attack
33 min

Global Civil Society Under Attack

Reports from the Frontlines

Long war tactics
28 min

Long war tactics

or how we learned to stop worrying and love the NSA

Das Transparenzportal Hamburg
32 min

Das Transparenzportal Hamburg

Inhalt und Umsetzung

Tell no-one
62 min

Tell no-one

A century of secret deals between the NSA and the telecom…

The Cloud Conspiracy 2008-2014
63 min

The Cloud Conspiracy 2008-2014

how the EU was hypnotised that the NSA did not exist

Mit Kunst die Gesellschaft hacken
67 min

Mit Kunst die Gesellschaft hacken

Das Zentrum für politische Schönheit

„Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an den Diskussionen“
62 min

„Wir beteiligen uns aktiv an den Diskussionen“

Die digitale „Agenda“ der Bundesregierung aus inhaltlicher,…