28C3: behind enemy lines

Full playlist: Video / Audio
Evolving custom communication protocols
57 min

Evolving custom communication protocols

Hell Yeah, it's rocket science

NOC Review
34 min

NOC Review

NOC Review about the Camp 2011 and the 28C3

DC+, The Protocol
41 min

DC+, The Protocol

Technical defense against data retention law

Closing Event
12 min

Closing Event

From Press Freedom to the Freedom of information
52 min

From Press Freedom to the Freedom of information

Why every citizen should be concerned

Your Disaster/Crisis/Revolution just got Pwned
45 min

Your Disaster/Crisis/Revolution just got Pwned

Telecomix and Geeks without Bounds on Security and Crisis…

ChokePointProject - Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
26 min

ChokePointProject - Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Aggregating and Visualizing (lack of) Transparancy Data in…

32 min


Einführung in das Thema Antiforensik am Beispiel eines…

The engineering part of social engineering
52 min

The engineering part of social engineering

Why just lying your way in won't get you anywhere

Quantum of Science
59 min

Quantum of Science

How quantum information differs from classical

Introducing Osmo-GMR
55 min

Introducing Osmo-GMR

Building a sniffer for the GMR satphones

Datenvieh oder Daten-Fee
67 min

Datenvieh oder Daten-Fee

Welchen Wert haben Trackingdaten?

Implementation of MITM Attack on HDCP-Secured Links
45 min

Implementation of MITM Attack on HDCP-Secured Links

A non-copyright circumventing application of the HDCP…

"Neue Leichtigkeit"
70 min

"Neue Leichtigkeit"

when unconditional artistic freedom happens

Sovereign Keys
64 min

Sovereign Keys

A proposal for fixing attacks on CAs and DNSSEC

75 min


von Atomendlager bis Zensus

Towards a Single Secure European Cyberspace?
53 min

Towards a Single Secure European Cyberspace?

What the European Union wants. What the hackerdom can do..

The best of The oXcars
53 min

The best of The oXcars

the greatest free/Libre culture show of all times

Deceiving Authorship Detection
59 min

Deceiving Authorship Detection

Tools to Maintain Anonymity Through Writing Style & Current…

Security Log Visualization with a Correlation Engine
25 min

Security Log Visualization with a Correlation Engine

What's inside your network?

Electronic money: The road to Bitcoin and a glimpse forward
61 min

Electronic money: The road to Bitcoin and a glimpse forward

How the e-money systems can be made better

Ooops I hacked my PBX
28 min

Ooops I hacked my PBX

Why auditing proprietary protocols matters

Cellular protocol stacks for Internet
62 min

Cellular protocol stacks for Internet

GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA demystified

Frag den Staat
28 min

Frag den Staat

Praktische Informationsfreiheit

66 min


Real-time 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving…

Print Me If You Dare
63 min

Print Me If You Dare

Firmware Modification Attacks and the Rise of Printer…

Not your Grandfathers moon landing
59 min

Not your Grandfathers moon landing

Hell yeah, it's Rocket Science 3.1415926535897932384626!

Lightning Talks Day 3
128 min

Lightning Talks Day 3

Pecha Kucha Round!

CCC Camp 2011 Video Impressions
43 min

CCC Camp 2011 Video Impressions

Reviving a nice summer dream

75 min


von Atomendlager bis Zensus

NPC - Nerds’ Pissing Contest
100 min

NPC - Nerds’ Pissing Contest

Mein Ruby ist besser als dein urxvt!

7 years, 400+ podcasts, and a whole lot of Frequent Flyer Miles
57 min

7 years, 400+ podcasts, and a whole lot of Frequent Flyer Miles

Lessons learned from producing a weekly independent podcast…

Politik hacken
57 min

Politik hacken

Kleine Anleitung zur Nutzung von Sicherheitslücken…

Eating in the Anthropocene
57 min

Eating in the Anthropocene

Transgenic Fish, Mutagenic Grapefruits and Space Potatoes

Crowdsourcing Genome Wide Association Studies
45 min

Crowdsourcing Genome Wide Association Studies

Freeing Genetic Data from Corporate Vaults

Ein Mittelsmannangriff auf ein digitales Signiergerät
55 min

Ein Mittelsmannangriff auf ein digitales Signiergerät

Bachelorarbeit Informatik Uni Kiel SS 2011

Don't scan, just ask
26 min

Don't scan, just ask

A new approach of identifying vulnerable web applications

Bionic Ears
62 min

Bionic Ears

Introduction into State-of-the-Art Hearing Aid Technology

Quantified-Self and OpenBCI Neurofeedback Mind-Hacking
65 min

Quantified-Self and OpenBCI Neurofeedback Mind-Hacking

Transhumanism, Self-Optimization and Neurofeedback for…

Time is on my Side
61 min

Time is on my Side

Exploiting Timing Side Channel Vulnerabilities on the Web

Post Memory Corruption Memory Analysis
62 min

Post Memory Corruption Memory Analysis

Automating exploitation of invalid memory writes

Privacy Invasion or Innovative Science?
40 min

Privacy Invasion or Innovative Science?

Academia, social media data, and privacy

Echtes Netz
59 min

Echtes Netz

Kampagne für Netzneutralität

Data Mining the Israeli Census
26 min

Data Mining the Israeli Census

Insights into a publicly available registry

Apple vs. Google Client Platforms
51 min

Apple vs. Google Client Platforms

How you end up being the Victim.

Counterlobbying EU institutions
58 min

Counterlobbying EU institutions

How to attempt to counter the influence of industry…

Hacker Jeopardy
116 min

Hacker Jeopardy

Number guessing for geeks

Building a Distributed Satellite Ground Station Network - A Call To Arms
53 min

Building a Distributed Satellite Ground Station Network - A Call To Arms

Hackers need satellites. Hackers need internet over…

Hacking MFPs
57 min

Hacking MFPs

Part2 - PostScript: Um, you've been hacked

Rootkits in your Web application
56 min

Rootkits in your Web application

Achieving a permanent stealthy compromise of user accounts…

Power gadgets with your own electricity
63 min

Power gadgets with your own electricity

escape the basement and make the sun work for you

Automatic Algorithm Invention with a GPU
62 min

Automatic Algorithm Invention with a GPU

Hell Yeah, it's rocket science

Datamining for Hackers
54 min

Datamining for Hackers

Encrypted Traffic Mining

51 min


Surveillance Industry & Country's Actings

Pentanews Game Show 2k11/3
107 min

Pentanews Game Show 2k11/3

42 new questions, new jokers, same concept, more fun than…

49 min


The CCC-Badge

SCADA and PLC Vulnerabilities in Correctional Facilities
51 min

SCADA and PLC Vulnerabilities in Correctional Facilities

Tiffany Rad, Teague Newman, John Strauchs

802.11 Packets in Packets
57 min

802.11 Packets in Packets

A Standard-Compliant Exploit of Layer 1

The movements against state-controlled Internet in Turkey
62 min

The movements against state-controlled Internet in Turkey

A short account of its history and future challenges

Can trains be hacked?
64 min

Can trains be hacked?

Die Technik der Eisenbahnsicherungsanlagen

String Oriented Programming
47 min

String Oriented Programming

Circumventing ASLR, DEP, and Other Guards

Almighty DNA?
59 min

Almighty DNA?

Was die Tatort-Wahrheitsmaschine mit Überwachung zu tun hat

Does Hacktivism Matter?
49 min

Does Hacktivism Matter?

How the Btx hack changed computer law-making in Germany

What is in a name?
64 min

What is in a name?

Identity-Regimes from 1500 to the 2000s

What is WhiteIT and what does it aim for?
60 min

What is WhiteIT and what does it aim for?

Why you probably want to be concerned about it and similiar…

The coming war on general computation
54 min

The coming war on general computation

The copyright war was just the beginning

Der Staatstrojaner
128 min

Der Staatstrojaner

Vom braunen Briefumschlag bis zur Publikation

Macro dragnets: Why trawl the river when you can do the whole ocean
60 min

Macro dragnets: Why trawl the river when you can do the whole ocean

What happens when data collection goes awry in the 21st…

The Atari 2600 Video Computer System: The Ultimate Talk
60 min

The Atari 2600 Video Computer System: The Ultimate Talk

The history, the hardware and how to write programs

Sachsen dreht frei
56 min

Sachsen dreht frei

On- und Offline-Überwachung: Weil sie es können